Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Cell Phones Potential for Causing Cancer in Kids

It was in the news again this morning with even more details than the first report a couple of months ago. Children have 5X the risk of developing brain tumors due to cell phone use than adults. The biggest risk is using a cell phone before the age of 20. That number shocked me. My kids are 11 and 12 and, according to these latest findings, are at very high risk.

Why are they at higher risk? A child's scull is much thinner and smaller than that of an adult. An adults scull is thick enough to prevent the radiation from reaching the brain. However, a child's scull being so thin allows the radiation to travel right through the head!

Why take chances. I have told my kids to hold the handset away from their ear and head when they talk on their cell phones. By the way, their cell phones are primarily used to contact me. My kids are not talking for long periods of time with friends and will not do so as long as I am paying the bills. However, even I am not practicing what I preach, as I am accustomed to holding any telephone up to my ear. I can actually feel a nauseating tingling sensation in my ear when I use my cell phone. It is very uncomfortable.

So, given that I cannot police my kids while they are out of my view, I am going out today to buy them an ear piece. It is a small price to pay for their continued good health. Better safe than sorry.